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Body, Mind and Spirit

22% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Body, Mind and Spirit.

Thou shalt have health of body and strength of mind to perform thy daily tasks.

The Angel of thy presence shall cause thy mind to expand and thine intellect to brighten. Therefore, be of good cheer for thou shalt be strengthened in body and shalt accomplish a good work.

Be prudent and thou shalt be strengthened in body. Thy mind shall expand and thou shalt see and understand things as they are and comprehend the blessings promised unto the saints.

Ingen Velsignelse mangle hverken Aand, Ligen, eller Familigen.

Thou shall be blessed in the body and spirit.

Thy head shalt be strengthened by the Spirit of God, thy brains shall be blessed and become a healthy condition; thy mind shall become clear and comprehensive and thou shalt possess a discernment of spirits. Thy body shalt be strengthened and invigorated and the Holy Ghost shall rest upon thee to strengthen and enlighten and inform thee, and thy feet shall be shod with the preparation of peace. The holy ghost shall be a lamp to thy feet and a light to thy path that thou shalt not stumble nor fall.

In all thy duties God shall give thee strength, both of body and mind.

I bless you with life and health and vigor of mind and body and pray that the power of God will rest upon you in the arduous duties you may have to perform.

I seal upon you the blessing of the new and everlasting covenants with health and strength of mind and body.

Be thou blessed and comforted in thy spirits and be thou blessed and strengthened in your body.

You shall be blessed both in your body and in your mind with strength and vitality.

I bless thee with renewed life and energy that thou mayest walk and not faint, that thou mayest be equal to the great spiritual, mental and physical responsibilities that be upon thee.

Let your mind soar among the good and the pure and be thou pure in thy body and heart.

Now Father, inasmuch as this thy young servant is starting out pure virtuous and clean in both body and mind, wilt Thou go before him by the influence and power of Thy Holy Spirit.

I pray our Father that He will look in much mercy upon you and make your body equal to the very task that shall be required of you and that you may have a perfect grasp of all truth and those things that are good for you both temporally and spiritually.

I bless thee in thy body and mind that thou shalt become physically strong and mentally bright.

You shall minister comfort and blessing unto those who are afflicted in body and depressed in spirit; and many shall be led to rejoice in your wise counsel.

I pray God our Eternal Father to bless you in your body and in your spirit and mind.

I bless you with vigor in mind and body that you may live as long as life is desirable and have happiness, joy, and contentment.

Thou shalt be blessed with health and strength of body and of mind and shall also receive the more important blessings promised, those of knowledge and wisdom.

You will enjoy the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant that your mind and your body and soul shall rejoice in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I bless you with health and strength of body and mind; and with wisdom to enable you to fill the full purpose of your creation.

I bless you that you may have health and strength of mind, and bless you physically that you may be able to fulfill your mission in life as a wife and mother in Israel. I bless you spiritually that you may have those opportunities to grow and develop.

I bless you that you shall have physical strength, that you shall always be mentally alert and that you shall receive spiritual awakening in your life through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

I bless you that you might have vigor of body and mind to accomplish the many things you were set apart to do while you were yet in the pre-existence.

Continue to love the Lord your God, and Jesus Christ, His Son, with all you heart, might, mind and spirit.

I bless you with health and strength of mind and body that you will be able to give the time that is necessary.

I bless that throughout your life you will have sufficient health and strength to accomplish your mission. I especially bless you that your mind will continue to be clear and keen even to the end of your days. And I bless you that your sweet spirit will be radiated to all who know you.

You are blessed with a sound body and mind.

I bless you that your mind, your heart, and your soul will be receptive to guidance and direction from above, each day of your life.

Your mind and body will be quickened.

I bless you that you will enjoy good health of body and mind to be able to complete the work you were sent here to do.

You Father in Heaven will bless you that you may have health and strength and vitality of body and mind.

Love the Lord with all your heart, might, mind, and strength.

Be morally clean in both thought and deed and help others understand the importance of living a virtuous life. Keep your mind pure and in tune with those things of an eternal nature. Appreciate your good mind and healthy body and care for them.

Be pure in heart, in mind and body, and the Holy Ghost will be a constant companion.

I bless you that you will be able to think and comprehend, to see, to smell, to taste, to hear, to feel.

You have been given gifts of a strong body and a find mind, of an understanding heart. Sister *****, I bless you with strength of body, mind and spirit.

You will always have a great desire that you shall live the word of wisdom, that you shall never partake in to your body anything that would be harmful to your body, to your spirit, or to your mind. You have been given a brilliant mind, a healthy body, may you use your mind for the betterment of mankind. May you use your body to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ upon the earth.

I bless you with health and strength of mind, body and spirit that you can accomplish the righteous desires of your heart and not be hindered because of illness of affliction.

Keep the Word of Wisdom. By doing so you will have health of mind and body.

You will go into the mission field with a fervent desire to serve the Lord with all your heart, might, mind and strength.

My dear *****, I bless you with strength of body, mind and spirit, that you may move forward with the desires of your heart. Remain pure in body, mind and spirit as there is great strength in purity.

I bless you in mind and body.

I bless you with good health insomuch as you remember and keep the Word of Wisdom, taking nothing into your mind or body that would pollute it.

The Lord will bless you with the health and strength of body, mind and spirit.

You will do unto your fellow man as you would want them to do unto you and will love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, might, mind, and soul.

For you to be physically healthy you need to pay attention to the dietary food that you eat and physical exercise. To be intellectually healthy you need to stimulate your mind. To be spiritually healthy you must search out, and learn to be responsive to, the Spirit of your Heavenly Father that you might put into balance the intellectual and the spiritual aspects of this earth life.

Many will be helped spiritually, physically and mentally because of your input and the things you do.

The Holy Ghost will nourish and strengthen you physically, spiritually and intellectually.

You will be blessed with strength and energy and power. The Spirit of the Lord will be active in you. It will fuss at you and awaken you and quicken your mind.

I bless you with the material, physical, mental and spiritual means to complete that mission through your faithfulness.

Be diligent in caring for yourself. Be careful of the influences that come into your life. Guard the gateway to your mind carefully. Fill your mind with the influences, and knowledge that the spirit will guide you to find.

Be clean in body and mind, knowing the Holy Spirit.

I bless you with health and strength in your body and in your mind, and in your spirit.

I bless you with physical, mental, and emotional strength.

I promise you that Heavenly Father will be mindful of your health - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

On your mission your mind and body will grow to the fullness of their capabilities. Your mind will be center on all things spiritual

I bless you with the strength of body and mind that you will be able to go forth and do all the things that your Heavenly Father wants you to do.

Treat your body as the temple that it really is, and you will receive strength physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

As you keep your body and mind clean, you will receive the spirit of the Lord and know what you should be doing.

Children will have strength, and, more than strength in body, they will have strength in their minds, and they will be able to see clearly.

You have been given a physical body, a brain that is very complex and capable, and special skills for you to develop and enjoy.

I promise you to have the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength that you will need throughout your life.